2 Ways to Uninstall Docker Desktop on Mac

If you have previously downloaded Docker Desktop on your Mac but do not find it useful anymore, you can uninstall it. But if you are unable to uninstall Docker on Mac, here is the post to help you with every step. We not only tell you how to uninstall it but help you remove its residual files. 

What is Docker

Docker Desktop is an application for Mac and Windows which is used for virtualization. It can be run on Mac to develop and test applications and services. But being an open source software, it can be rather a drawback for those who are looking for fully customised features. 

2 Ways to Uninstall Docker Desktop for Mac

There are a few steps that you need to follow before you move on to uninstall Docker Desktop on Mac. 

1. Reset Docker –

It is important to remove your data from the application before uninstalling it. To do so, you will need to look into the application itself.

Launch Docker on Mac and on the Dashboard you need to find Troubleshoot. Now, you need to click on ‘Reset to factory defaults’. Confirm the selection by pressing the Yes, reset anyway.

2. Quit Docker –

Remember to always quit an application before trying to uninstall it as this can hinder you from Activity Monitor.

Open Finder and then go to Applications folder and from there head to Utilities and click on Activity Monitor. Here you can always find the Docker Desktop and select it and click on the Close button appearing on topbar.

Activity Monitor

Method 1: Uninstall Docker on Mac using inbuilt method –

There are different ways to uninstall an application on Mac, here are going to let you in the simple steps. If you want to use the manual method to uninstall Docker from Mac. 

Step 1: From Finder go to the Applications.

Step 2: Under the Applications, find the Utilities and click on it.


Step 3: Now, you can look for Docker Desktop in this list.

Step 4: Now select it and you can right click on it, this will show you options.

Step 5: Click on the Move to Trash.

Step 6: Click on the confirmation message to delete the Docker Desktop.

Now the Docker Desktop application will be removed from the Mac.

Deleted Docker Files on Mac

It is also important to delete the related files from the Docker Desktop from your Mac. Therefore, you need to follow these steps –

Step 1: Again, go to Finder and then click on the File menu.

Step 2: Now, look for these files, enter the command and then delete each one of them.

  • ~/Library/Caches/com.docker.docker
  • ~/Library/Cookies/com.docker.docker.binarycookies
  • ~/Library/Group Containers/group.com.docker
  • ~/Library/Logs/Docker Desktop
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.docker.docker.plist
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.electron.docker-frontend.plist
  • ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.electron.docker-frontend.savedState
  • ~/.docker
  • /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.docker.vmnetd.plist
  • /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.docker.vmnetd
  • /usr/local/lib/docker

This will delete the Docker Desktop’s associated files from Mac.

Method 2: Uninstall Docker on Mac using third party application

When you do not find the traditional method helpful for you while removing an application, take help from a third-party application.

PowerMyMac is one such application which comes with multiple cleaning tools for Mac. Follow these steps to quickly uninstall Docker desktop on Mac. 

Step 1: Download and install PowerMyMac on your Mac from the official site

Step 2: Now, go to the left bar and click on the App Uninstaller.

Step 3: Here you need to click on the Scan button and it will result in showing you all the applications present on your Mac.

Powermymac 3

Step 4: Now, locate Docker Desktop and then you need to select the app and a checkmark will show. 

Step 5: Here you can see the Clean button and then this will uninstall Docker on Mac.

Step 6: Now, go to the Leftovers options on PowerMyMac, here you can delete the unwanted files which are left on Mac. PowerMyMac easily finds and shows all the related files and gets rid of them.

Frequently asked questions – 

Q1. How do I completely remove Docker from my Mac?

To completely remove Docker from Mac, you can take help from a third party application. As it can delete the application and also remove the related files from the Mac to get rid of all of its traces completely.

Q2. Where is Docker installed on Mac?

Docker can be found under the Applications folder on your Mac. You need to look under the Library to find its related files on Mac.

Q3. How do I reset my Docker to factory settings Mac?

Open Docker application on Mac and then from the Dashboard go to the Troubleshoot. Here you can find the ‘Reset to factory defaults’, click on it and this will help you reset it before uninstalling Docker from Mac.


In conclusion, removing Docker Desktop from a Mac involves straightforward yet precise methods to ensure a complete uninstallation. By following these two distinct approaches, users can effectively eradicate the software and associated components, reclaiming valuable disk space and optimizing system performance within the macOS environment.

Careful execution of these removal steps ensures a smooth transition and maintains system integrity, providing users with a cleaner and more efficient Mac experience.

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