How to Completely Uninstall Google Drive on Mac (3 Ways)

Just by dragging and dropping any apps into Trash on dock will only remove the app not the associated files of the apps, these files are cache files, preferences, temporary files etc. These associated files remain in your Mac hard drive even after simply removing the app, so to completely remove any app you need to also delete their associated files.

Thus, follow below given various methods to completely uninstall Google Drive from your Mac and also remove its associated files as well. 

How to Uninstall Google Drive on Mac

Disconnect and Quit Google Drive on Mac before uninstalling – 

Make sure before you uninstall Google Drive, it is important that you close all the running processes like any active sync function and quit the application. 

Steps to disconnect Google Drive:

1. Open Google Drive and go to ‘Settings’ icon and click on ‘Preferences’ option from dropdown menu. 


2. On the Preferences window, Select the ‘Settings’ tab. 

3. Click on ‘Disconnect account’ option in blue. 

Disconnect account

4. Confirm the action. 

Now remember to quit the application.

completely Uninstall Google Drive on Mac

Method 1 : Uninstall Google Drive using Finder

1. Open Finder on your Mac, Select ‘Applications’ tab from the left sidebar menu. 

2. Now from the list of applications, locate and Select Google Drive

Uninstall Google Drive on Mac
3. To uninstall Google Drive, either you can drag and drop the app to the Trash icon on Dock or you can Right-Click on the app and Click the ‘Move to Trash’ option from the dropdown menu. 

Method 2 : Uninstall Google Drive using Launchpad

1. Open Launchpad on your Mac from the dock. 

2. Find Google Drive app from the list of apps displayed on screen or you can search Google Drive on the Top Search box. 

3. Now Click and Hold the Google Drive app icon until you see it jiggle a couple of times, and a small Delete button appears on the top of the app icon. Click on the ‘X’ icon Delete button. 

4. Confirm the delete action when prompted by Clicking the ‘Delete’ button again. 

Remove associated files of Google Drive on Mac

Follow below steps to locate and remove all the associated files of Google Drive from your Mac : 

1. Press Shift + Command + G keys on keyboard to open Go to Finder on your Mac. 

2. Type : ‘~/Library’ inside the file path and Press ‘Return’ key. 

Uninstall Google Drive on Mac
3. Now go through all the folders given below and identify all the associated files of Google Drive and delete them one by one. 

  • ~/Library/Application Support/
  • ~/Library/Containers/
  • ~/Library/Caches/
  • ~/Library/Preferences/
  • ~/Library/Cookies/
  • ~/Library/Logs/
  • ~/Library/LaunchAgents/

4. Later when you are done with removing files, Empty the Trash to completely uninstall Google Drive. 

Method 3 : Uninstall Google Drive using MacKeeper Uninstaller

It’s all well and good to manually Uninstall Google Drive from Mac, but it’s very time consuming and a little bit annoying to locate each associated file. You can do the same complete uninstallation of Google Drive from Mac using MacKeeper, easily and efficiently. 

Below steps shows how to uninstall Google Drive using this Apps uninstaller for mac easily: 

1. Download and install Mackeeper application from its official website on your Mac. 

2. Launch the MacKeeper app, and Select the ‘Smart Uninstaller’ tab from the left sidebar menu. 

Smart Uninstaller
3. Now Click on the ‘Start Scan’ option to locate all the apps on your Mac. 

4. Select ‘Applications’ and Click on ‘Google Drive’ option from the list of apps. 

5. Finally Click on the ‘Remove Selected’ button to uninstall Google Drive from your Mac and delete all the related files along with it. 

Frequently Asked Questions –

Q1. How do I remove Google Drive from my Mac without deleting files?

Remove Google Drive from Mac by disabling the sync functionality and quit the app, later uninstall it by either manually drag drop to Trash or get a third-party app lick MacKeeper to remove completely. 

Q2. Can I Uninstall Google Drive app?

Yes it is absolutely fine to uninstall Google Drive app from your Mac, your files will be safe in the cloud storage which you can access using your account details. 

Q3. What happens if I Uninstall Google Drive for desktop?

If you uninstall Google Drive from your desktop then the active Sync between your Mac and cloud will be stopped, but all the files remain unchanged in the cloud storage that you can access any time. 


Google Drive is among the most popular cloud storage platforms which you can use for limited storage and works flawless with your Mac & other divides. In case you exhausted your free storage limit and want to remove it from Mac, then follow above given methods either manually or using MacKeeper app to completely uninstall Google Drive. 

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